0,75l 10%
This Sparkling wine is made out of 80% Sparkling wine out of Riesling wine from the Rheingau - The Rhine District. It is topped of with 20% cider made out of Reinette apples out of ecological growth. I do like my dry wine but I have to admit that sparkling wine is something I usually just drink at parties or family celebrations so this will be a novelty for me. I have been looking forward to this ever since I got it. Though the drink itself is clear, the bottle seems almost black and looks very luxurious / high class. I like both, Riesling and the local variety of cider, Apfelwein so this might be totally along my road, BUT don't count your chicken till they are hatched so time to tackle a new thing and try this baby. As a sworn in beer connoisseur, I sadly don't have designated champagne flutes so I improvised with my party wine glasses...
Taste wise this surprises me as the apple isn't very strong but mixes so well with the grapes that it forms a beautiful composition together. I wonder why no one got the idea before.. or why I haven't heard of it. The apple helps to give it a very full taste that holds many aspects. The tartness is coupled with a slight sweetness that is existent but decently in the background.
This proves to be a very worthy addition to the Sparkling Wine scene. Thanks for discovering this golden ambrosia for me!