Paulaner Braumeister Edition
And another random encounter of the Dr. H. series. He sure knows how to cough up these dusty bottles from somewhere.
So Weibersud would translate roughly to women's brew... celebrating the female brewers. This top fermented baby is brewed with Bravo and Cascada Hops and was cold hopped (Whatever that means...) it also says that it is limited... alas no mentioning of how limited but hell.. limited always looks good on a bottle right?
The label is a wall of text, explaining the tradition of female brewers, mentioning
Hildegard of Bingen. It also tells me that it is a yeasty baby of the Weißbier tradition. Now those of you who follow me for a while know that I am not the biggest fan of Weißbier but I love to try new stuff and as Dr. H. has praised this one I definitely will give it a try.
Yes, this belongs into a Weißbier glass - alas I already had my tasting glass out and didn't want o get up to dirty another glass so the Weißbier tasting glass that came with my Schneider Weisse Box it shall be.
It was rather foamy... sadly some of it ended on my terrace. It pours with nice, very fine creamy foam, producing a very nice head.
Colorwise it is a dark orange red, very cloudy like a good unfiltered yeast baby should be.
The aroma is very spicy, pepper with very distant berry tones. It's super interesting aroma wise and rather mouth watering though the usual umami tones are missing that would usually bring out the mouth watering effects.
Now this is definitely very rich and complex taste wise. The hops are nicely noticeable which gives it an alnmost IPAish quality. The yeast luckily is not very recognizable so it doesn't disturb but rather help the nice spectrum of taste. It starts sweet on the tip of he tongue and as it rolls down the tongue the hops develop more and more, getting the strongest once oxygen is added. It holds about the right balance between tartness and bitterness that would make it to a grand beer.
What should I say? Apparently women can make grand beer! *ducks and hides*
Prost and thank you Dr. H.!