Ho Ho Ho!
RateBeer gives it a 74 on Overall and as I do like my IPAs I'm looking forward to try this. With 7,3% this is leaning towards the stronger beers, which is why I decided to wait with testing this till I had some days off. As this is -price wise- on the high end of German Beers, the packaging is nice and hihg valued. A nice bottle, classical label and the attempt to give it a personal touch. As I have no frakking idea what glass to use I went for something simple. The tulip I have brought from the US where I got it in Asheville NC, the beer capital of the US.
It pours nicely, with rather big pored, slightly cream colored foam, which dissipates rather fast.
Instead of the IPA smell I expected, it smells very fruity, with hints of orange and grapefruit. This might be interesting. Gawd this makes my mouth water.... Let's give it a try then..
A very, very decent IPA. Not too bitter, but nicely bitter enough, mainly in the aftertaste. The carbonation could be a bit higher for my taste but that's not bad enough to value it less. The grapefruit tones in the beginning are there and recognizable on the tip of the tongue. The only thing I sorta dislike is the fact that I have a lingering alcohol aftertaste and those of you who follow my ramblings should know that I'm not too happy about actually tasting the alcohol in my beers.
All in all surely the Best IPA there is from a German brewery currently, alas some minus points for the lacking carbonation.. it's great but lacks a certain sting.
Anyways... Merry Christmas everyone!
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