You might remember my start of a series about the brews of one of Germanies last communally owned city brewery in Spalt. I have another baby from this charming small brewery, a dark Export.
For those of you not familiar with that beer: Here is a small article about it.
Anyways I do like dark roasted beers and I like the beer from Spalt so I hope that this might be nice. I apologize for the darkish pictures but it is already 11 PM.
Simple beer so simple glass. Nothing fancy like a tasting glass for something down t earth like this brew.
Though the picture might make it appear reddish, it is more of a light hazelnut color. Nut as red brown or dark brown like the dark beers I am used to, also filtered and very clear. I can easily look through, which speaks for itself when it comes to the color. A nice big bubbled caramel colored head, dissipating mediocre fast.
The aroma is almost meaty. I have had his before on some brews, it reminds me of fresh raw meat... no idea why. There are faint roast aromas and the carbonation tickles my nose, which speaks for a certain tartness. Somehow the images I get are a classical German pub with a lot of smoke in the air.
Ratebeer doesn't seem to be too convinced and rates it lower than its lighter sister the Export Hell.
The carbonation is strong in the beginning and stings a bit. The first facets of the brew that strike me is a side taste of non alcoholic malt beer that is common in Germany... a bit like Finnish koti olut.
The second aspect is the rich roast aroma which sadly dissipates fast and leaves an unsatisfied feeling. The alcohol is definitely there and as you know I really don't like it when I can taste it. It's missing more umami. While it serves a nice bitter dark it is not very fulfilling in other categories. The aftertaste is there on the back of te palate but all in all this is rather mediocre.