The task I gave my brother was to bring some Oude Bruin which is a sort of beer I learned to like a long while ago in Dutchieland.
So Ichtegem's isn't rated too high on Ratebeer but then again I haven't tasted one in ages so I prolly wouldn't recognize a good one if it hit me in the face.
As the weather is getting bad it is also time to take the pictures inside .. Winter is coming!
So seriously as a first impression this smells vile... like strong liquor or sherry, sweet, heavy and very sour... I might even guess that this yeast has gone bad but we shall see. I do like sour/tart beer so it might be a challenge. There is a cork smell mixed with a sour something...
Thew brew is very dark black with mediocre caramel colored foam that was hard to conjure up and dissipated even faster.
The taste is reaaaally nice (though my mum just said that it tastes like vinegar..) I find a complex mixture of sweet and sour with a fine bitter end note. It is very nice and fruity with many sub tones. Fresh sweet cherries mixed with very faint wood tones that leave a nutty feeling on the tongue. The bitter side notes fill the whole mouth and palate in the after taste.
This was a true surprise, especially as the aroma is truly not very appealing.
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