Hook Norton
I chose this when it was still hot outside and I wanted an IPA.
I must admit that I never heard of the brewery but it is English so it must be decent.
I am not entirely sure whether the page of Ratebeer has the right beer in their database but it was the closest I could find.
The brew cites "Maris Otter, Pale Ale and Enzymic" as its malts and "Fuggles, Goldings and Admiral" as its hops... I am undecided whether I find a malt with the name Enzymic pleasing or not but hey...
Beeradvocate shows the bottle I have but they do not have as cool ratings as Ratebeer... though I still don't understand their rating either.
I actually cleaned my whole action figure and glass cupboard today as I am missing 3 distinct glassed from my collection... and they seem to be gone with the wind. So I instead chose a rather plain not exactly fitting one ... just because I can and because it can go into the dishwasher.. I know, I know I am losing my touch.
The brew pours with little foam of rather big pored bubbles and is not entirely filtered and gold brown of color.
The aroma is very sweet, freshly cut grass, fruits, faint honey and yeast. Heavy zesty tones couple with faint floral ones. I SO want to try this now.
It is surprisingly bitter on the first taste but the sweetness of zest and honey mix in instantly, painting a very nice painting of tastes. It could use some more carbonation but that's English for you. The fruity tones tickle the front of the tongue while it then rolls off the whole tongue only to end in pleasant bitterness. I absolutely like the fruity, floral tones in it, especially when coupled with the hops.
I really, really, really think you should try this one!
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