Samuel Smith's Organic Cider, pullo : 0,55 l : 5 %
Tuoksu viinimäinen, maku mehuisa ja maltillisen hapokas. Puolikuivaa; ei hyvää, ei huonoa.
Brewdog Zeitgeist, hana : 0,5 l : 4,9 %
Viipyilevä hedi, hurjan paahteinen tuoksu ja maku. Katkeraa kuin elämä, hiiltynyttä myös. Ota iso tuoppi, mikäli päiväsi siihen mennessä on ollut ylen iloisa ja aurinkoinen.
Oct 19, 2011
Samuel Smith's,
Kamppi Helsinki
Oct 18, 2011
Bintang Pilsener
Pullo : 0,33 l : 4,7 %
Huh! Melkoisen hapokas ruokajuoma, johon törmäsin Forumin Tamarinissa. Indonesialainen pilsner kuulostaa hitusen oudolta, mutta olut eittämättä on tunnistettavissa lajityyppinsä edustajaksi, maltillisesta humaloinnista huolimatta. Sopii hyvin semitulisen ruumiinravinnon kyytipojaksi veden oheen.
Eväänä toimi tällä kertaa som tam -papaijasalaatti ja sataykanavartaat, jotka tuomittiin mainioiksi, joskaan ei täydellisiksi.
Huh! Melkoisen hapokas ruokajuoma, johon törmäsin Forumin Tamarinissa. Indonesialainen pilsner kuulostaa hitusen oudolta, mutta olut eittämättä on tunnistettavissa lajityyppinsä edustajaksi, maltillisesta humaloinnista huolimatta. Sopii hyvin semitulisen ruumiinravinnon kyytipojaksi veden oheen.
Eväänä toimi tällä kertaa som tam -papaijasalaatti ja sataykanavartaat, jotka tuomittiin mainioiksi, joskaan ei täydellisiksi.
Forum Mannerheimintie 18, Helsinki
Oct 14, 2011
Kaksi germaania: Carolus "Der Starke" Doppelbock & Köstritzer Schwarzbier
The German (DMW) brought me these two impressive, genuine German lagers as I paid his phone bill.
He also forced me blog about them - instead of just quaffing them down with a hearty laughter and some unintelligible shouting as German lagers should be enjoyed - so i will. Unfortunately he didn't mention in which language i should make the entry, joten kirjoitan sen suomeksi. Oppiipahan, hähä.
Binding-brauerei Carolus Doppelbock, pullo : 0,5 l : 7,5 %
Arvottuani kahden välillä hetkisen houkutuin muiden lokkien, varisten ja vastaavien haaskalintujen tapaan kiiltävästä ja päädyin testaamaan Caroluksen ensimmäiseksi. Tämä saattoi olla virhe, sillä kaadettuani merimieskahvinvärisen (l. pikimustan) nesteen tuoppiin ja höräistyäni tuhdista vaahdosta ylimääräiset veke ja myöhemmin toivuttuani vasta tajusin tarkemmin tsekata etikettiä. Jep: doppelbockiahan se - 7,5 % tehollista yksikköä, ja se myös maistuu. Melkomoisen lämmittävän etanoliannoksen jälkeen, tai ehkä samaan aikaan, karkaa makuhermojen päälle tuikea makeus ja mallas, jonka jälkeen em. hermojen raunioita hivelee rauhoittavasti yllättävän hento, jopa yrttimäinen jälkimaku.
Final verdict: strong, sweet and even a bit herbal and warming lager. Would quaff another.
Köstritzer Schwarzbier, pullo : 0,5 l : 4,8 %
Kuten ounastelinkin, osoittautui germaanien nautintajärjestys täysin vääräksi. Tuhdin ja makean doppelbockin jälkeen schwarzbier maistui aluksi hennohkolta, jopa ohuelta. Oluen pikkuhiljaa lämmetessä ja makuhermoston kerättyä itseään löytyi Köstritzeristä kuitenkin aivan omanlaisensa maku. Toisin kuin (näemmä) tummat lagerit yleensä, ei schwarzbier ilmeisesti ole makea. Jos johonkin tutumpaan tulisi verrata, niin tämä on kuin paahtamaton (ja tietysti lager-) versio irlantilaisista stouteista.
Makua on siis melko maltilla, mutta mikäpä tätä siemaillessa.
Final verdict: initially completely shadowed by the previous doppelbock, the "blackbeer" turned out to be a fine-tasting dryish beer. Very easy to drink, and not in the bad sense of the term.
Tilkankatu, 00300 Helsinki, Suomi
Oct 7, 2011
Bergbrauerei Ulrich Zimmermann
Bottle 0,33l 5,3%
Final baby of the block of 3 presented to me by my brother.
This coldbrewed beauty surprises with an interesting color of light brown.. actually the first brownbeer I know that actually IS brown... the dark amber color reminds me of thin Cola. The foamy head builds up very full at first, dissipates very fast though. I chose to drink this from a Radeberger Pils Glas as it was size wise the closest glas I had. I do, however, think that the glas was a good choice for it. Olfactory the beer has not very much to offer. It has a weak flowery sweet smell that I would expect from a bock, only to a lesser degree.
The taste surprised me. First I thought it's too watery, till it exploded with metallic, spicy nuances. The carbonation is just about right if not a TAD bit too much for my taste but that's seriously just a small side note. It IS a really, really interesting beer when it comes to taste as it combines fine hoppish notes with a crisp bitterness that I normally dislike, however, in this beer it just works as a compund piece of tasted art. I like the almost almondy aftertaste mixed with the bitterness which lingers in ones mouth just long enough to be good and not long enough to be a nuisance. Makes me sad that these smaller breweries are not known further that their home places normally... I really can see me drinking more of this. The exact right amount of bitterness makes it a real surprise for me. YAY for another rare find.
Keep em comin Mr. Brother...
Bottle 0,33l 5,3%
Final baby of the block of 3 presented to me by my brother.
This coldbrewed beauty surprises with an interesting color of light brown.. actually the first brownbeer I know that actually IS brown... the dark amber color reminds me of thin Cola. The foamy head builds up very full at first, dissipates very fast though. I chose to drink this from a Radeberger Pils Glas as it was size wise the closest glas I had. I do, however, think that the glas was a good choice for it. Olfactory the beer has not very much to offer. It has a weak flowery sweet smell that I would expect from a bock, only to a lesser degree.
The taste surprised me. First I thought it's too watery, till it exploded with metallic, spicy nuances. The carbonation is just about right if not a TAD bit too much for my taste but that's seriously just a small side note. It IS a really, really interesting beer when it comes to taste as it combines fine hoppish notes with a crisp bitterness that I normally dislike, however, in this beer it just works as a compund piece of tasted art. I like the almost almondy aftertaste mixed with the bitterness which lingers in ones mouth just long enough to be good and not long enough to be a nuisance. Makes me sad that these smaller breweries are not known further that their home places normally... I really can see me drinking more of this. The exact right amount of bitterness makes it a real surprise for me. YAY for another rare find.
Keep em comin Mr. Brother...
Ulmer Gold Ochsen Kellerbier
0,5l bottle 5,1%
Kellerbier / Zwickelbier
Part 2 of my brothers recent delivery of 3 bottles to me. He sure knows my love for Kellerbier and thus brought me this from his trips to the surroundings of Ulm where the beer is brewed by the brewery Gold Ochsen. The foamy head goodness of the beer persists very long and doesn't dissipate fully. It is rich golden in color and not as cloudy (aka unfiltered) as I usually like em but it is interesting enough. I can see the contours of my fingers through it but that's about all. Scent wise this offers a wide bouquet of flowery tones mixed with some sweet yeast parts. The glas I am drinking it from is something very dear for me... my aunt gave it to me and it has been handmade a long while ago as the brewery advertisement that's on it depicts a brewery that hasn't been open for decades. My aunt used to use it as a vase... grunt.. but back to the beer. The freshness of the smell is making my mouth water and it does smell good... Taaaaaaaaaaste tiiime. Mhh a rare gem indeed! Thre is a surprise bitterness tone in it way back on my palate but it dissipates almost instantly, making place for very rich spicy and mouth watering happiness. Another Kellerbier that is absolutely making me happy. I really, really love these surprises that one can find somewhere around the corner. The aftertaste is really good, slightly malty but of the good not the burnt variety and all in all the best beer I have had for weeks. Thanks Frank!
Kellerbier / Zwickelbier
Part 2 of my brothers recent delivery of 3 bottles to me. He sure knows my love for Kellerbier and thus brought me this from his trips to the surroundings of Ulm where the beer is brewed by the brewery Gold Ochsen. The foamy head goodness of the beer persists very long and doesn't dissipate fully. It is rich golden in color and not as cloudy (aka unfiltered) as I usually like em but it is interesting enough. I can see the contours of my fingers through it but that's about all. Scent wise this offers a wide bouquet of flowery tones mixed with some sweet yeast parts. The glas I am drinking it from is something very dear for me... my aunt gave it to me and it has been handmade a long while ago as the brewery advertisement that's on it depicts a brewery that hasn't been open for decades. My aunt used to use it as a vase... grunt.. but back to the beer. The freshness of the smell is making my mouth water and it does smell good... Taaaaaaaaaaste tiiime. Mhh a rare gem indeed! Thre is a surprise bitterness tone in it way back on my palate but it dissipates almost instantly, making place for very rich spicy and mouth watering happiness. Another Kellerbier that is absolutely making me happy. I really, really love these surprises that one can find somewhere around the corner. The aftertaste is really good, slightly malty but of the good not the burnt variety and all in all the best beer I have had for weeks. Thanks Frank!
Oct 6, 2011
Grimbergen Double & Stadin Panimo Ultimator
Grimbergen: hana : 0,4 l : 6,5 %
Kärsiinnyttävän Anttila-keikan jälkeen poikkesimme uudistuneeseen Ravintola Viiteen Penniin piipahtamaan yksillä. Siispä jo toisen tuopin täytin belgialaisella dubbelilla, jota en ollutkaan nähnyt muualla lainkaan, saati sitten hanassa. Tarjoiltiin kauniissa jalallisessa lasissa, jossa pikimustan soosin ja kauniin valkoisen vaahdon kontrasti oikein korostui. Hedi hiipui kohtalaisen vikkelään, mutta kuta muka oikeasti kiinnosted.
On a side note: 5P:ssä on Helsingin Parhaat Laukkaleivät (tosin itse nimittävät niitä kerettiläisesti "Rapeiksi Leipätikuiksi")
Maku on .. ennakkoluulostani täysin poikkeava. Odotin alkoholilta ja hiivalta sekä banskulta maistaavaa perusbelggiä, mutta neste maistuu lähinnä kirsikattomalta, makealta kriekiltä. Marjaisalta tai jotain sellaista; taidan hakea toisen!
Ultimator: pullo : 0,33 : 8 % enpä hakenutkaan vaan päätin suomia ulkolaista; parisen vuotta sitten visullisesti ja pullolinjastollisesti virkistäytyneen Stadin Panimon "töhöhö, etpäs uskalla juoda!" -olut Ultimator tarttui kämmeneen. Kirjaimellisesti, koska etiketti oli syystä tai toisesta inan tahmea.
Päättelin sekä etanolin että ibun määrästä ja etiketissä mainitusta käpyhumalasta saaneeni kiukkuista paleata aleata, mutta tyyppi olikin tiukka dobbelbock! Mallasta hirmusti, humalaa ei juurikaan (niinku oikeesti). Maukasta, makeaa, hapanta vaan ei happoista.
Mikäs siinä - etenkin jos tykkää!
Kärsiinnyttävän Anttila-keikan jälkeen poikkesimme uudistuneeseen Ravintola Viiteen Penniin piipahtamaan yksillä. Siispä jo toisen tuopin täytin belgialaisella dubbelilla, jota en ollutkaan nähnyt muualla lainkaan, saati sitten hanassa. Tarjoiltiin kauniissa jalallisessa lasissa, jossa pikimustan soosin ja kauniin valkoisen vaahdon kontrasti oikein korostui. Hedi hiipui kohtalaisen vikkelään, mutta kuta muka oikeasti kiinnosted.
On a side note: 5P:ssä on Helsingin Parhaat Laukkaleivät (tosin itse nimittävät niitä kerettiläisesti "Rapeiksi Leipätikuiksi")
Maku on .. ennakkoluulostani täysin poikkeava. Odotin alkoholilta ja hiivalta sekä banskulta maistaavaa perusbelggiä, mutta neste maistuu lähinnä kirsikattomalta, makealta kriekiltä. Marjaisalta tai jotain sellaista; taidan hakea toisen!
Ultimator: pullo : 0,33 : 8 % enpä hakenutkaan vaan päätin suomia ulkolaista; parisen vuotta sitten visullisesti ja pullolinjastollisesti virkistäytyneen Stadin Panimon "töhöhö, etpäs uskalla juoda!" -olut Ultimator tarttui kämmeneen. Kirjaimellisesti, koska etiketti oli syystä tai toisesta inan tahmea.
Päättelin sekä etanolin että ibun määrästä ja etiketissä mainitusta käpyhumalasta saaneeni kiukkuista paleata aleata, mutta tyyppi olikin tiukka dobbelbock! Mallasta hirmusti, humalaa ei juurikaan (niinku oikeesti). Maukasta, makeaa, hapanta vaan ei happoista.
Mikäs siinä - etenkin jos tykkää!
Oct 5, 2011
Original N° 1 Museumsbier
Schussenrieder (Brauerei Ott)
0,5l bottle 4,7%
Surprise package delivered by my brother who surprised me with 3 beauties of unknown quality which herewith are about to be tasted. Colorwise this naturally cloudy - as unfiltered - beer is a pale yellow a bit fanta-ish. The full white foam dissipates slowly but leaves a nice white layer. The beer stems from a small brewery and is labeled as the museumbeer of the beerstein museum.
The odor is mediocre and holds a lot of citrus aroma coupled with the expected yeast. It also smells as if it will have a high carbonation .. we shall see. Its fruity yeast smell is interesting and I can't judge whether I like it or not. Time to taste!
Carbonation isn't as high as I expected, actually it's about perfect. The taste is a bit waterish but very tasty in the aftermath. It holds a nice malty side tone which is an interesting addition to the slight citrus and spice tones. An unfiltered beauty made not for everyone but I like it. I'm a huge fan of unfiltered beers and this fills my expectations. Kudos to my brother for introducing this interesting baby to me.
0,5l bottle 4,7%
Surprise package delivered by my brother who surprised me with 3 beauties of unknown quality which herewith are about to be tasted. Colorwise this naturally cloudy - as unfiltered - beer is a pale yellow a bit fanta-ish. The full white foam dissipates slowly but leaves a nice white layer. The beer stems from a small brewery and is labeled as the museumbeer of the beerstein museum.
The odor is mediocre and holds a lot of citrus aroma coupled with the expected yeast. It also smells as if it will have a high carbonation .. we shall see. Its fruity yeast smell is interesting and I can't judge whether I like it or not. Time to taste!
Carbonation isn't as high as I expected, actually it's about perfect. The taste is a bit waterish but very tasty in the aftermath. It holds a nice malty side tone which is an interesting addition to the slight citrus and spice tones. An unfiltered beauty made not for everyone but I like it. I'm a huge fan of unfiltered beers and this fills my expectations. Kudos to my brother for introducing this interesting baby to me.
Brouwerij De Ranke: Saison De Dottignies
Pullo : 0,33 l : 5,5 %
Puuduttamatta kestetyn hammaslääkärikeikan jälkeen päätin palkita itseni parilla jalojuomalla, ja lähipitkäripaisessa vietetyn arvontahetken jälkeen päädyin tähän belgialaiseen saisoniin.
Alkon hintalappu lupaili kukkaista ja ketterästi humaloitua hörsittävää, ja sitä tämä todella on: tuoksussa ei tunnu humle juurikaan, mutta maussa mukavaa kitkeryyttä löytyy.
Väriltään tämä otus on kellervä ja samea, tuhdilla joskin yllättävän pikaisehkosti pakenevalla headilla.
Maussa korostuu, tai oikeastaan löytyy, lähinnä humala. Hyvää, tullen ostamaan toistekin.
Puuduttamatta kestetyn hammaslääkärikeikan jälkeen päätin palkita itseni parilla jalojuomalla, ja lähipitkäripaisessa vietetyn arvontahetken jälkeen päädyin tähän belgialaiseen saisoniin.
Alkon hintalappu lupaili kukkaista ja ketterästi humaloitua hörsittävää, ja sitä tämä todella on: tuoksussa ei tunnu humle juurikaan, mutta maussa mukavaa kitkeryyttä löytyy.
Väriltään tämä otus on kellervä ja samea, tuhdilla joskin yllättävän pikaisehkosti pakenevalla headilla.
Maussa korostuu, tai oikeastaan löytyy, lähinnä humala. Hyvää, tullen ostamaan toistekin.
Oct 4, 2011
0,33l bottle 6,2%
Dark amber with a distinct reddish tone, this fine trappiste is the last of my batch I brought from belgium on my last visit.. what better do drink outside on the terrace in nice warm temperatures. The sun is playing with the colors and the foamy head persists and doesn't fade... something I always like. I haven't poured in the last batch with the yeast yet, which explains why it's rather clear so far.
Smellwise this offers surprisingly sweet almost berry tones with nice citrus hints. I can't smell the banana I would have expected. It's really not smelling like any beer I have smelled before... maybe it's the outside air affecting it though. Anyways.. time to taste the beauty.. The carbonation again is a bit too heavy for me and the nice fruity smell I smelled can barely be found in the taste. Bitter tones are overlapping most other aspects though there is a sour side in it which might or might not stem from the carbonation. Adding the yeast... colorwise the yeast gives this beer an almost orange color, fading into watery coffee. The bitterness is mellowed by the fine yeast tones and it leaves a nice aftertaste... another beer I prefer with the yeast mixed into it. A fine trappiste I learned to love, however not a Rochefort.. I think I might prefer it over a Westmalle though.
Dark amber with a distinct reddish tone, this fine trappiste is the last of my batch I brought from belgium on my last visit.. what better do drink outside on the terrace in nice warm temperatures. The sun is playing with the colors and the foamy head persists and doesn't fade... something I always like. I haven't poured in the last batch with the yeast yet, which explains why it's rather clear so far.
Smellwise this offers surprisingly sweet almost berry tones with nice citrus hints. I can't smell the banana I would have expected. It's really not smelling like any beer I have smelled before... maybe it's the outside air affecting it though. Anyways.. time to taste the beauty.. The carbonation again is a bit too heavy for me and the nice fruity smell I smelled can barely be found in the taste. Bitter tones are overlapping most other aspects though there is a sour side in it which might or might not stem from the carbonation. Adding the yeast... colorwise the yeast gives this beer an almost orange color, fading into watery coffee. The bitterness is mellowed by the fine yeast tones and it leaves a nice aftertaste... another beer I prefer with the yeast mixed into it. A fine trappiste I learned to love, however not a Rochefort.. I think I might prefer it over a Westmalle though.
Oct 1, 2011
Maredsous 10
Duvel Moortgat Brewery
Strong Pale Ale
10% 0,33l bottle
Brewed by Duvel under their abbey beers line and labeled as 'In the tradition of the Benedictines', this triple has a nice amber red color. The yellowish foam leaves a full head and pleases me aesthetically (please note that the glas I took it in was a Corsendonk glas and not the fitting Maredsous). It smells fresh and sweet. The usual banana scent is existing though it mixes with faint yeast and orange tones. Let's see ... or rather taste... whether this product from a large brewery can live up to the Trappistes I love so much.
I'm not a huge fan of the carbonation.. it's on the verge of hurting my tongue if I leave a sip too long in my mouth. The fruity tones blend in nicely with a crisp bitterness, alas I'm not a huge fan of the bitter tones but I can see why people like it. It actually reminds me a bit of blood orange .. whyever. I can taste the yeast which is nice (I like some yeasty tones, even though I dislike wheat beers nowadays) but overall the general tastyness of this tripel could be stronger. It disguises the alcohol content nicely though, which is a nice feature in a strong beer. It's a fine beer to taste, can't cope with my beloved Trappistes though. But taste is ... of course ... subjective. Prost!
Strong Pale Ale
10% 0,33l bottle
Brewed by Duvel under their abbey beers line and labeled as 'In the tradition of the Benedictines', this triple has a nice amber red color. The yellowish foam leaves a full head and pleases me aesthetically (please note that the glas I took it in was a Corsendonk glas and not the fitting Maredsous). It smells fresh and sweet. The usual banana scent is existing though it mixes with faint yeast and orange tones. Let's see ... or rather taste... whether this product from a large brewery can live up to the Trappistes I love so much.
I'm not a huge fan of the carbonation.. it's on the verge of hurting my tongue if I leave a sip too long in my mouth. The fruity tones blend in nicely with a crisp bitterness, alas I'm not a huge fan of the bitter tones but I can see why people like it. It actually reminds me a bit of blood orange .. whyever. I can taste the yeast which is nice (I like some yeasty tones, even though I dislike wheat beers nowadays) but overall the general tastyness of this tripel could be stronger. It disguises the alcohol content nicely though, which is a nice feature in a strong beer. It's a fine beer to taste, can't cope with my beloved Trappistes though. But taste is ... of course ... subjective. Prost!
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