330ml 5%
Again I like the label a lot. They do invest in their labels and design.. though the English labels are a bitch to peel of (I collect em so I'm a master at detecting labels..)
Aight, it has been chilled, I'm on the sofa..(And prolly won't get up to take a nice pic so the couch desk will have to do) I got a glas and the fun may begin.
It poors nicely with a slight foam head which isn't totally white but holds a creamy hue.
The beer itself is partly cloudy which is interesting as I usually just know filtered or unfiltered beauties but this one is just a tad bit cloudy.
It smells more or less like a standard Pilsener but has some fruity tones in it. All in all it doesn't have a strong smell, unlike the other beers I tasted out of the series of 4.
The taste isn't very strong and has some weird bitterness that doesn't seem to come from the hops. It's more watery than I expected and also I'm not too happy with the carbonation. I dislike the bitter tones that are present. I can guess where a fruity taste should be expected but the tones are so subtle that they do not outweigh the negative aspects.
Sadly I'm a bit disappointed by this but as 3 out of the set were superb It was pretty OK to find one that I didn't like. I originally thought I'd keep the best for the end but I was proven wrong.
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