Aventinus Eisbock
15 IBU
I have skipped this baby for a while, mainly because of the high alcoholic content. Usually I react stronger to stronger beers, the older I get. And on some days I just don't enjoy a buzz if it is hot outside.
In any case this is the
Eisbock variant of a Bock that I will drink when I get to the yeast / Weissbier series that I have scheduled for sometime soon.
Luckily it is only a small bottle as I get a headache when looking at it.
The label is metallic purple, mirroring the purple color scheme of the regular Aventinus.
Ratebeer seems to be truly impressed by it which is promising. Maybe I make this the start for my Weissbier series.. we shall see. I did purchase a nice 'samplers kit' from Schneider Weisse including a glass, beer coasters and sampling instructions. Fancy fancy but the price was OK and I have a lil weakness for nice glasses. This will also be a new thing because as some of you might know, I am not a yeast fan.. alas I figured I should give it a chance which is why the sampling set seemd like a great idea. Normally they say u need to start with the most mellow one and then go up to the more hardcore stuff, alas I am not a man for 'normally' so we start with the strongest of their stuff.
After I spent 5 minutes to try to dissolve the yeast in the bottle into the brew this beer pours nicely and not as oily as I had expected. What did amaze me, however, was the amount of yeast in it. This reminded me of some trappistes I have had. A huge amount of yeast.
It is of dark hazelnut brown color, almost black. The color of mahogany. Sun couldn't get through.
The head produced is very small but consisting of very fine bubbles a light hazelnut in color.
The aroma is very sweet, dried plums, cherries, yeast, ripe fruits, spices also alcohol. Very nice smell with the plums and banana tones dominating.
The carbonation is great and the brew transforms into an almost kind of foam on the tongue, very interesting.
It is bitter and not as sweet as I expected it to be. Something I am not decided about whether that's a good or a bad thing. The alcohol isn't noticeable while in the mouth, alas I recognize it when exhaling. The multiple tastes range from hoppish bitter to alcoholy stingy mixed with plumish sweet and malty bitter.
I can't remember whether I have had an Eisbock before but this is nice. A great dessert beer. I would love to have some rich chocolate cake now. I really dig that foamy feeling when sipping this brew.
I definitely would have that for a planned beer dinner for dessert. It is a bit heavy for an every day beer but I wager it isn't thought to be an every day beer anyways.
Try this! You won't regret!