I bought them. Nothing special. Now I saw that they are simply beer mix drinks because of the German purity law and I feel a) cheated and b) MEH.
I didn't want to write about em but then again one of them is ice cold in the fridge now and it is 32° degrees Celsius outside and I got up at 4 am and I want a beer. So yeah hooray a beer-mix-thing.
It is to hot for frail, pale me to even think about going outside so I'll lower all shutters and drink it inside. I want an air condition.
The beer is mixed with elderberry juice and no I won't make Monty Python jokes here. Sigh, why can't they put the elderberries in BEFORE they brew. Damned Purity law stuff.
The bottles show a ship (The Störtebeker I guess?) and truly betrayed me for a craft beer when I went shopping. Oh the power of marketing.
It looks... well just like a beer mixed with elderberry juice would look.. red. A bit like Berliner Weisse with Raspberry. The little head is rather meh looking as the pale red cream color mix looks well not very appetizing.
The aroma indeed reminds me of Glühwein - the German spiced / mulled wine served at Christmas markets.
Sweet, tart, sticky. Sticky is the main thing coming into mind. Wonder how something can smell sticky.. alas it does. Just gives the image as if it is sticky if I get my fingers in it. You really can't smell the beer.
It could use a bit more carbonation and is rather sweet when eg. compared to a Kriek. There are sour tones but they are rather faint. I bet it's a nice thing for a 16 year old to get drunk on as it is sweet.. and tastes like a soft drink. So yeah well... If you want a sweet soft drink that might make you drunk after a couple...be my guest.... otherwise.... don't get fooled like I did!
Ratebeer seems to share my opinion.
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