The newest addition to this trend seems to be Köstritzer Kellerbier. The brewery is mainly or actually so far, exclusively known for their Schwarzbier .
My brother the stealthy provider for hoppish goodness brought me one of these Kellerbiers.
The label is nice and looks like a brown version of their Black beer label. The also jumped on the wagon of making their own bottles. Though I find the trend charming to have every brewery make their own bottle it is also a bit sad as I bet it makes the life of the deposit bottle system guys not exactly easier. But then again this is a beer blog and not an environmental science blog.
They get a HUGE bonus from me for including instruction on how to drink it for the baby drinkers. (Namely shake the yeast into the concoction)
Though they say it is unfiltered I am a bit skeptical so far as at least through the bottle it does look filtered.
It pours easy with not a lot of foam. The foam it does form, however, is mainly big bubbled.
It's very interesting on the tongue. The carbonation being about perfect it left me with a slight medicinal sub tone on the palate while he tongue was numbed by a dusty-bitterness. Thank God it is not malty sweet as I thought from the smell, still it can't convince me. It's a tad bit too bitter for my taste when it comes to Zwickel and isn't fresh / umami enough for me.
I guess it's a nice try but I'd prefer their Schwarzbier for now.
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