So this baby is labeled as Tap 7.. sadly I can't really understand their system of taps so I just nod at it. The white label depicts a sun painted with finger paint. Yay for kids work on beer bottles.
I went for the matching brewery tasting glass that came with the whole box and if I sound grumpy today it prolly is because I am grumpy.. have 3 days of getting up at 4:30 am coming up and yeah well meh. So off to have this beer.
Right this is a lot darker than the last one so this would be categorized as a dark yeast in German. It's light brown in color and not very opaque.
First a lot of foam but then nothing, nada, zilch. It dissolved as fast as it came. Boo!
The aroma is spicy, yeasty with lemon zest and cinnamon, maybe faint peppery notes. Altogether rather faint smell all in all. Not very intense at all.
I would like some more carbonation but it's OK. A fruity, lemony start develops into spicy tones on the palate and the back of the mouth. Yeast isn't as bad as expected and I do prefer this over the last one though I classically didn't go for dark yeast when I was still drinking it.
Ratebeer seems to like this baby as well. So yeah go for it. I liked it!
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