The label is pretty standard and classic. Blue white which are also the state colors of Bavaria.. yeehaw no I shall not get out my leather pants for this.
Oh well.
It pours almost like milk and has a milky light brown color with a lot of very fine foam just like it is supposed to. The color isn't super pleasing but at least it isn't filtered... which reminds me that I might have to get a Kristallweizen for this series as well.
Ratebeer seems convinced... whether I shall be, shall be seen.
Carbonation on the stronger side but not bad.
Side tones a tad bit soapy, not as yeasty as I had feared it to be, still slight yeast after taste. I can't help but notice a certain soapy-ness which I don't like much. It is nice and refreshing on a hot day.. gotta give it that much.
Very faint iron and flowery tones on the upper palate. It is a very round beer I must say and maybe the soapy parts came from the pipe I had before. I actually grow to like it and can see me choosing this over some other yeasters. Also my mouse just survived having some of this brew accidentally poured into it... a clear sign that it must be good :P
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