Jul 21, 2014

Weissbierprobe 5 Meine Hopfenweisse Tap 5

Weissbierprobe 5 Meine Hopfenweisse Tap 5

So I finally can end the Weissbierprobe with this baby which had been waiting for me in the fridge for a while. I also returned from a journey into the area with the most breweries in the world and got a few impressions and material from there... good things to come.

So this brew is advertised as being their strongest hopped one, which is why they say one should drink it at the end of the series.. well I do what I am told.. almost.

To be honest I am not entirely sure what the label depicts. It looks like a tumbleweed? In any case they promise this to be atypical with the aroma etc etc yada yada... we shall see.

Color here is between a light and a dark yeast beer with very little foam. I was seriously surprised about how little head I could produce with this. The foam is mainly big pored and light cream colored. The little head there is is lingering for long.

Ratebeer has this with a whopping 99 so I am expecting something here... The aroma is very sweet and hops heavy. Fresh fruits, apricot and plum, light chocolate tones. This must be one of the best smelling beers I know. :) The aroma is surprisingly rich and a pleasure to test. Rich spices and floral subtones. Om nom nom.

I also just read that this holds 8,2% alcohol so I'd prolly rate it a Weizenbock but what do I know.

The carbonation is great, sadly the taste doesn't hold what the aroma promised. It is alcoholy and slightly bitter, mixed with strange medicinal tones that almost sting my mouth. The aftertaste is alcohol and spices.

The bitter-sweetness is not really my case and though I can see a grand idea behind this composition I am not a fan of it. Sniff.



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