Jun 24, 2014

Weissbier Probe 1 Schneider Weisse Meine blonde Weisse Tap1

Meine blonde Weisse
Like I mentioned yesterday, I'll use my week off to do a Weissbier series... now I am not the big fan of the yeasty stuff though funnily enough it was the only thing I drank when I started beer drinking.
So I bought this box from my drink dealer and it holds a lot off different brews, some coasters a tasting guide and a glass... I mentioned this yesterday. The glass actually is a bit weird for my taste, as yeast beer should be drunk in one glass so that the yeast can mix.. but well I'll use their glass for their drinks. The tasting guide says that this baby is their mildest. We shall see.

The label is pretty standard and classic. Blue white which are also the state colors of Bavaria.. yeehaw no I shall not get out my leather pants for this.

Like always it is shaking and shaking to get the yeast mixed. It always makes me want to cry out when I see a Finnish Bartender just taking out the bottle and opening it straight away... THE YEAST!
Oh well.

It pours almost like milk and has a milky light brown color with a lot of very fine foam just like it is supposed to. The color isn't super pleasing but at least it isn't filtered... which reminds me that I might have to get a Kristallweizen for this series as well.

The aroma is.... well yeast with yeast.. very light pepper and nutmeg tones, also a decent sweetness. Maybe I need to practice more for those beers..

Ratebeer seems convinced... whether I shall be, shall be seen.

Carbonation on the stronger side but not bad.
Side tones a tad bit soapy, not as yeasty as I had feared it to be, still slight yeast after taste. I can't help but notice a certain soapy-ness which I don't like much. It is nice and refreshing on a hot day.. gotta give it that much.

Very faint iron and flowery tones on the upper palate. It is a very round beer I must say and maybe the soapy parts came from the pipe I had before. I actually grow to like it and can see me choosing this over some other yeasters.  Also my mouse just survived having some of this brew accidentally poured into it... a clear sign that it must be good :P



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